International Relations

CPRA/Geidankyo has agreements with 52 CMOs in the U.S., South America, Europe, and Asia as of April 2024, under which remunerations for secondary use and CD rental, and compensations for private audio recording, all generating in Japan are collected and distributed to the right holders overseas through the said CMOs. Also CPRA/Geidankyo receives the royalties, remunerations and compensations occurring overseas to be distributed to Japanese performers.

Agreements with Foreign CMOs40 countries / 52 organizations (as of April 2024)

  1. Austria / LSG
  2. Belgium / PLAYRIGHT
  3. Brazil / ABRAMUS
  4. Brazil / SOCINPRO
  5. Brazil / UBC
  6. Bulgaria / PROPHON
  7. Canada / ACTRA PRS
  8. Canada / ARTISTI
  9. Canada / MROC
  10. Croatia / HUZIP
  11. Cyprus / CNR
  12. Czech Republic / OAZA
  13. Denmark / GRAMEX DK
  1. Estonia / EEL
  2. Finland / GRAMEX FI
  3. France / ADAMI
  4. France / SPEDIDAM
  5. Georgia / GNRA
  6. Germany / GVL
  7. Greece / APOLLON
  8. Iceland / SFH
  9. India / ISRA
  10. Ireland / RAAP
  11. Italy / ITSRIGHT
  12. Italy / Nuovo IMAIE
  13. Italy / RASI
  1. Kazakhstan / AMANAT
  2. Kazakhstan / KOUPIS
  3. Lithuania / AGATA
  4. Mexico / ANDI
  5. Moldova / ANPCI
  6. Netherlands / NORMA
  7. Netherlands / SENA
  8. Nepal/ PSN
  9. Philippines / PRSPh
  10. Poland / SAWP
  11. Poland / STOART
  12. Portugal / GDA
  13. Republic of Korea / FKMP
  1. Romania / CREDIDAM
  2. Russia / VOIS
  3. Serbia / PI
  4. Slovakia / SLOVGRAM
  5. Slovenia / ZAVOD IPF
  6. South Africa / SAMPRA
  7. Spain / AIE
  8. Sweden / SAMI
  9. Ukraine / ULCRR
  10. Ukraine / UMA
  11. United Kingdom / PPL
  13. USA / SoundExchange